A Logistical Marvel: The Coordination of Supplies for Malta

Being an island entails an exacerbated struggle for finite resources. On the other hand, nothing brings people together faster than a shared problem. This was the case for importers in Malta in 1940. Keeping a business alive relying on imports and feeding an island is no easy task, let alone in war-time conditions; hundreds of aircraft and submarines incessantly attempting to sink one’s ships around the clock. More so, the struggle to find adequate stocks to be sent to Malta, increasingly surrounded by the enemy. Local agricultural efforts did not have the adequate fodder and supplies to reach any level of sustainability, leading to mass slaughters of livestock and Malta ever more reliant on imported goods. Supplying Malta very quickly became a tremendous logistical effort between highly coordinated offices and local companies. What follows is a story of the logistical efforts between Government and local firms to keep Malta’s supply chain running, people’s livelihoods safe, children fed and clothed, and Malta’s economy retaining a semblance of stability. 

By Nikolai Debono, on behalf of Battlefront Malta
With thanks to the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Atlas Insurance, James Baldacchino, and Jeffrey Sammut
In memory of Filomenu Abela, stevedore