Malta’s Anti Aircraft Defence

While many books have been written about the Battle of Malta and its aerial defence, very few studies exist on the role of anti-aircraft gunners. This series will focus on the defence of Malta from the perspective of HAA (Heavy Anti-aircraft) and LAA (Light Anti-Aircraft). Both types of batteries and guns would be manned by the RA (Royal Artillery) and the RMA (Royal Malta Artillery, a territorial artillery regiment). 


Published sources cited throughout series

Anthony Burgess, From the hangar to the seabed : the airscape of the Maltese islands during the Second World War (Malta: University of Malta, Unpublished Phd thesis, 2021).

Colin Dobinson, AA Command: Britain’s Anti-aircraft Defences of World War II (Methuen Publishing Ltd, 200)

Dennis Rollo, The Guns and Gunners of Malta (Valletta: Mondial Publishers, 1999)

H.E.C. Weldon, Drama in Malta, (Naval and Military Press, 2004)

Maurice G. Agius, Recollections of Malta HAA Gunner : the true story of a young officer who served in Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment of the Royal Malta Artillery right through the Second Siege of Malta, 1940-1943 (Valletta: Allied, 2008)

Micheal J. Budden, ‘Defending the Indefensible? The Air Defence of Malta, 1936-1940’, War In History, 6, no. 4, (1999)

Paul Virilio, Trans. George Collins, Bunker Archeology (USA: Princeton Architectural Press, 1994)

Stanley Fraser and Alexander Ellis, ed., The Guns of Ħaġar Qim : the diaries of Stan Fraser, 1939-1946 (Rabat: Wise Owl, 2005).

Stephen C. Spiteri, British military architecture in Malta, (Valletta: the author, 1996

The Ministry of Information, Roof over Britain : the official story of the A.A. defences, 1939-1942 (London: His Majesty’s stationery Office, 1943)
The War Office, Handbook for Ordnance QF 3.7-Inch HAA (London: The War office, 1940).